Party "St. Valentine’s Day"

“St. Valentine’s Day”
Позакласний захід для учнів старших класів
Мета заходу:
· ознайомити учнів зі звичаями країни, мова якої вивчається.
· розвивати соціокультурну компетенцію учнів з використанням матеріалу, пов’язаного з історією, святами та традиціями Великобританії;
· розвивати мовленнєві навички та логічне мислення;
· розвивати творчі здібності та естетичне сприйняття навколишнього світу.
· на основі змагань розвивати вміння та навички працювати в парах;
· виховувати інтерес до вивчення традицій англомовних країн.
Обладнання: плакати, мультимедійна дошка, картки для проведення конкурсів та змагань, кольорові кульки, фонограми пісень.
Хід заходу
T: Good evening teachers, pupils and our guests. It's lovely to meet you here.
Love! Happiness! Beauty! Today we pronounce these pleas­ant words because today is a special day! Do you know what it's called? (Слайд 1)
Учні. It's called St. Valentine's Day!,
You are right.
Welcome to our St Valentine's party!
            Dear Friends! Ladies and Gentlemen, Children and Grown-ups! You are welcome to our party devoted to St. Valentine’s Day, which is always held on February 14th and bring us happiness and good luck.
St. Valentine’s Day is one of the popular holiday in Europe and America. It is the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours and even the office staff exchange greetings of affection. Valentine’s day is a special time when people tell each other that they love them and care about them. To celebrate the day today, people send special cards with romantic messages. They give their sweethearts small gifts and tokens.
So we wish you a happy Valentine’s Day. We ask all the participants to take their places.
Let me introduce them. Today we have 5 teams:
1st: ________________________________
 2nd: _______________________________
3rd: ________________________________
4th: ________________________________
5 th: _______________________________
And this is our jury: _______________________________________________________________
Applause, please!
Let's start our holiday. I wish you good luck!
1. Where did St Valentine live?
a) in Greece
b) in Rome
c) in Great Britain
2. What date is Valentine’s Day?
a) 15th of February
b) 14th of February
c) 8th of March
3. How do you spell 14th?
a) forteenth
b) fourtienth
c) fourteenth
4. According to a popular belief, why was St Valentine beheaded?
a) because he secretly married young couples
b) because he ran away with Emperor Claudius’s daughter
c) because he was always in love with someone

5. When St Valentine was in prison, who did he fall in love with?
a) his prisoner’s daughter
b) his prisoner’s wife
c) his prisoner’s sister
6. The girl St Valentine fell in love with was
a) deaf
b) blind
c) blind and deaf
7. What colour is associated with St Valentine’s Day?
a) orange
b) purple
c) red
9. Which are the most common flowers given on St Valentine’s Day?
a) roses
b) sunflowers
c) snowdrops
10. What greeting is often said on this day?
a) Happy love life!
b) Good luck!
c) Happy Valentine’s Day!
1.     My father’s son is not my brother. Who is he?
2.     My uncle has a brother who is not my uncle. Who is he?
3.     What relation is the child to its father that is not its father’s own son?
4.     My grandmother’s daughter is not my mother. Who is she?
We love not only our relatives, but also our friends.
Find and match words with similar meanings.
1)       a part of the body
2)       a heart-shaped card
3)       a man who cared for people
4)       a boy who shoots arrows
5)       a kind of flowers
6)       a bunch of flowers
7)       a friendly look
8)       used with a bow
9)       a fancy material
10)   a kind of candy
a)       chocolates
b)       lace
c)       arrow
d)       bouquet
e)       smile
f)        rose
g)       Cupid
h)       St. Valentine
i)         valentine
j)        heart
Dear participants, your time is over. Give your sheets to the jury.
CONTEST 4. “GRAMMAR. (Слайд 14)
We are beginning our grammar competition. Each team will get a special card written on Valentine’s Day. Your task is to read the card carefully and find any mistakes there.
Deer Mary! I hope that Walentine’s dai shall bring you lots ov fun. I thinks you’re extra-specially nice. And so does everione!
Best weshes, John
CONTEST 5. “The famous couples” (Слайд 15)
Now we’ll see how good you are at literature and art and life around us. You must match the famous couples.
Match the famous couples.
  • Romeo
  • Rhett Buttler
  • Ruslan
  • Napoleon
  • Tristan
  • Adam
  • Evgeny
  • Caesar
  • Josephina
  • Ludmila
  • Juliet
  • Isolda
  • Eve
  • Tatjana
  • Cleopatra
  • Scarlet O’Hara
CONTEST 6. “Valentine messages” (Слайд 16)
Now you will read and translate the messages.
CONTEST 7. “Guess and sing the song” (Слайд 17)
CONTEST 8. “The holiday sentences” (Слайд 18)
Complete the sentences using the words in the hearts. Some of them are extra.
CONTEST 9. “Jumbled words” (Слайд 19)
Make up the words.
CONTEST 10.“Guess proverbs” (Слайд 20)
1. Love is conquers all. A) Кохання і кашель неможливо приховати.
2. Where there is love, there is life. B) Не везе в коханні – повезе у грі.
3. Love and cough cannot be hid. C) Кохання сліпе.
4. Love cannot be compelled. D) Насильно милим не будеш.
5. Love is blind. E) Де кохання, тамжиття.
6. Love is never without jealousy. F) Кохання перемагає все.
7. Unlucky in love, lucky in play. G) Немає кохання без ревнощів.
Key: 1 – F, 2 – E, 3 – A, 4 – D, 5 – C, 6 – G, 7 – B.
(За кожну правильну відповідь - 1 бал)
CONTEST 11.“ What do you think about?” (Слайд 21)
T. Sometimes we can't just talk about what we want we must show it! So, try to pantomime these wishes to your Valentine so that he can name them.
Дівчата показують свої бажання пантомімою, а хлопці повинні відгадати, що вони хочуть.
(Команди отриму­ють серця з бажаннями, які вони повинні показа­ти своєму Валентину)
1. I want to dance with you.   2. I want these flowers.  3. I want a cake.
4. I want to sing with you. 5. I want to kiss you.
(Максимальна оцінка – 3 бали. Враховується артистизм, взаєморозуміння)
CONTEST 12.“ Words about love”(Слайд 22)
T. Well, don't you think that it's time to talk about your love? For this task we need a boy from each pair. My dear boys take these hearts and you'll have some minutes to think of what you'll say to your sweet­hearts!
Завдання для хлопців. Візьміть серця і подумайте, що ви скажете своїй коханій.
(За кожну правильну відповідь - 1 бал. Максимальна кількість балів -5)
CONTEST 13.“ A portrait of a dream girl”(Слайд 23)
Т. Each boy should draw a portrait of a dream girl. But you won't see what you are drawing.
(Гравці із зв'язаними очима малюють на дошці портрет.)
(Оцінюється творчість та оригінальність. Максимальна кількість балів – 3)
CONTEST 14.“The best dancing pair”(Слайд 24)
Now we will count your points and see who is the first.
The results of the game.
We’ve talked quite a lot about St. Valentine’s Day today. It’s very pleasant to see that all of you like it and know something about it. Today you’ve learnt more about this holiday. I think that all of you enjoyed the party. Our contest has come to an end. I ask our honorable jury to sum everything up and say whose team is the winner. Our congratulations!
Our performance has come to the end. Let’s sing the final song together!
Т. Dear friends thank you very much for this nice holiday! Our party is over. But remember – Love is one of the best feelings. So let’s love and be loved by others and our earth will become more beautiful and kinder.
And now let's listen to what our jury can say about our pairs...
Жюрі присвоює титули: Супер-пара, Романтична пара, Оригінальна пара, Приваблива пара, Артистична пара.
(Прощальний танець пар)

Thank you very much! You were clever, active, creative and attentive. We wish you great love, now and forever, because Love is wonderful

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